1.Kind of book publicity, in cold blood with a fine fur, has long attracted a large number of consumers of the eyeball.
2.Out cold, he never saw the final moments of the duel, where Anakin killed an unarmed Dooku in cold blood at the Chancellor's goading.
3.Phaedonas Anastasiou, a Cypriot Foreign Ministry official, said: "He was executed in cold blood and he was carrying a British passport. "
4.Being hesitant is just normal, if it were not for hesitate didn't chance for cold blood for your daddy?
5.MM: Master, the halfling killed one of our guards in cold blood. He must be punished.
6.Ranger Freeman says any rough or sudden movement can force cold blood from the arms, legs and hands deep into the warmer middle of the body.
7.Pakistani intelligence official said Bin Laden's daughter had claimed that her father had been shot in cold blood in front of her.
8.forces cold blood back toward the heart, lungs and brain, causing the core body temperature to drop.
9.Shoot me? Gun me down in cold blood, like a dog? Hey?
10.Ms Wilkerson's intimacy with members of these families is as close as Truman Capote's with his characters in "In Cold Blood" .